This is really exciting. A group led by some race promoters and devoted mountain bikers is working to launch a high-school mountain bike racing league in Pennsylvania next year. The league will likely start with five or six races across the state (including one potentially at Jordan Creek) and with a dozen or more teams and hundreds of riders. It will only grow from there.
We're working with NICA--the National Interscholastic Cycling Association--to pull this off. If you haven't heard of them, check out their web site They already have leagues in 14 states and are adding three or four a year. It's a great organization. And all these kids riding and racing is only going to be good for our sport, and be a boon to trail development
If you want to find out more about the PA league, check out the Pennsylvania High School Mountain Biking Facebook Page. And if you're interested in becoming a part of the League's launch efforts, starting a team, coaching, or helping out in any way (or know someone who might), let me know.