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2014 Eastern PA Greenways & Trails Summit, September 30 and October 1 at DeSales University.
This two-day summit is the largest gathering of our regional trails and greenways community and usually attracts around 175 participants from a variety of backgrounds, including municipal officials, public works and parks professionals, engineers, landscape architects, land developers, and—of course—trail users. This year’s summit features keynote talks from Jeff Olson (author of The Third Mode: Towards a Green Society) and Budd Coates (Rodale’s Director of Fitness), plenary sessions with leadership from PennDOT, DCED, and DCNR, fifteen breakout sessions on a variety of trail topics, and three mobile workshops—including a tour of the Lehigh Valley Trail Network, with a stop at the South Bethlehem Greenway.
You can register here: The price goes up $10 on August 1, so register now!