I've always been one to take a rather laid back approach to biking; I never really paid attention to why or how people go fast on the trails, being more the type to just leisurely bump along.
I've posted a few things lately about classes that I took or will be taking, and I have to say, out of alllll the money I've spent on cycling, the $250 I spent last month for classes probably has been some of the best money I've spent yet on the sport!
Anyways, yesterday, I turned on Strava, and did a full lap as fast as I could, but more importantly, as focused on the stuff I learned recently as I could.
Specifically, my posture always sucked; I wasn't low and aggressive. And my cornering was HORRID. I never trusted in my tires enough to see what they could do when leaned over, I was way too conservative.
So on all the HP's and Dozer and stuff, I just gave it my all on the corners, carrying way way more speed that I did previously, and pumping every undulation and turn on the trail.
The result: THIS IS AWESOME! I carried so much speed through the turns, in a controlled manner, that I was slingshotting out of the corners, which was a hoot unto itself, but I was also carrying way more speed that I was getting air going uphill even, and pedaling a lot less, so I was conserving energy.
So I completely slayed my old times on Strava, which accidentally launched me into a competition with my friend lol, but more importantly it woke me up to what it means to truly flow on that trail. I also feel slightly less like I am riding way too fancy a bike for my skill level, so that's good haha.
My point being: go to skills classes, read books, look at YouTube videos. I hadn't realized how much potential fun I was missing out on by not concentrating on my form. As it turns out, that is not only for racers!
I realize this is common knowledge for most of you, but maybe it will help someone!