These were taken last Friday with my son and daughter. My wife and other daughter were hiking the lakes. The ride is down from Portachuelo de Llanganuco to the town of Yunguy in the Ancash region of Peru. Although this is technically a road it was great riding. Switchbacks, rocks, puddles, edges of cliffs, two cars that we saw were easily passed going downhill, and the scenery all made it a great ride. It was close to an 8000 foot decent over 27 miles. This area is known for several reasons. In 1970 there was an earthquake that started an avalanche at the glaciers above. The debris that covered the town killed all but about 350 of the 25000 people living there at the time. The road was also featured on the Discovery channel since trucks are used to get supplies to some of the villages on the other side of the pass and it is extremely dangerous. There were a number of crosses where people did not make the turn. It is has more switchbacks than any other road in South America.