As you all know, Lehigh County has a very positive partnership with VMB and Wildlands Conservancy. Continuing that spirit of cooperation and support I am very happy to report that Lehigh County has provided a tentative plan to both restore a significant portion of grasslands while being able to maintain the mountain bike trail network in the Preserve.
Here is where we are:
· The grasslands restoration project we have all heard about will begin in mid-late September. A contractor has been selected to do the work and we expect them to start in the area adjacent to the game lands.
· The contract requires that 100 acres of AO to be removed before the end of the year so we can expect a lot of activity through that time. We cannot estimate how long it will take them because of the unknowns involving the slope, etc.
· The trails will be temporarily closed in active work areas but we can clean-up and use the trails immediately after work is completed in each area. The grasslands restoration will virtually eliminate any maintenance issues we currently have with AO!
· We expect the AO to be pulled up and chipped on site with no pieces larger than 1 ft. long so it should be relatively easy to put the trails back in place.
· The exception is the Killdozer area. The area has been reviewed by several environmental biologists and unfortunately a serpentine trail cannot go back into that area. Remember that the key objective of the grasslands project is to enlarge the existing grasslands in the adjacent game lands to provide a habitat for various native wildlife. Killdozer just happens to be right next to it.
· Understanding the importance to maintain a useable trail network, Lehigh county is supportive of a short narrow trail to re-connect the trail network so there are no dead-end trails. VMB and Wildlands will be working together on proposals to the County once the site is cleared of AO. As always, Lehigh County has final approval on any new/replacement trails.
· In addition Lehigh County is opening other areas of the Preserve’s North Range for possible mountain biking so we can replace the mileage that was lost with Killdozer. Wildlands and VMB will be collaborating on a plan for the additional trails. It may even be possible to have another serpentine Killdozer style trail depending on the area we select.
· The last item that still needs to be worked out is the TrexFest Halloween event. It looks like the removal and the event may overlap so we may need to be creative with race course, date, work parties to clear the trails, etc. The event coordinators are up to speed and it looks like they can make it all work. Lehigh county is still supportive of the event.
· Wildlands will be publishing a project outline of what we can expect in the next 18-24 months. I will post that as soon as i get it.
VMB will be putting some information at the trails heads and trail intersections to notify other users.
Keep the discussion going.