Finally got a chance to ride Nox today with Stavros. I really don't know what was better the weather, the trails or the scenery.
Great job to all those involved - all the effort shows and the ride was great. Now I'm waiting for the ground to freeze and really rip up the place. }:)
Also - great job on the mapping - it was spot on and really helped.
:rant: PS - blaze orange is an absolute must. We pulled into the new parking lot and there were several cars and a few hunters heading back to their cars. Everyone was all very friendly and thanked us for wearing blaze. One of the dogs also had a bell on - owner said he picked it up at a pet food store. My X-mas bell just isn't working out and the cow bell sounds like it will be a bit too loud so a stop at the pet store is next on my list.
Be smart and make yourself seen and heard.