Attention southern members:
VMB was invited to setup and man a booth for their club day (see below). Anybody interested in representing VMB and making this happen? If so, we can hook you up with the materials you'll need. Realize the timing is tough with the grand opening the following weekend. I believe the story is about 30 minutes from Lake Nockamixon.
If I don't hear from anyone by Thursday, Sept 22. I will tell them we cannot make it.
Hey Guys, I was writing to invite you out for Club Day at the store.
It's Sept. 30th and October 1st. It'll be huge savings for all club members, but you can also set a table up to get more info out about the new trails, and trail opening dates. Give us a shout at the store ( email above) and I can send out the flyer for members, and let me know if you're game to set up a table!