November 2015 VMB Meeting
Treasurer report—separate entry
Mike V-IMBA discussion
-helps with membership duties and membership development
-Adds IMBA area members to VMB
-IMBA can help with clinics, etc.
Trex Update
-some trails will be affected. Killdozer, etc.
-no restrictions on riding but use common sense. Don’t ride near equipment, etc.
-100 acres to be cleared of autumn olive by year’s end
-200 total acres to be remedied-the rest by spring
-grasses will then be planted and a series of three burned conducted.
-there should be connector trails allowed in the meantime
-ultimately, the trails should be in the woods
The Trex border trail is a separate project.
Replacing or building new trails at Trex
-permits need to be in place before work begins.
-Need to be aware of earth disturbance issues-unlike before. 5000 sq. ft. is cut off.
-Mike V suggested paying for permits to expedite progress.
-Grant money discussion-we want to get IMBA and DCNR involved-we have until March
NOX updates
Noxtoberfest and Kid’s rides—successes
-Normal maintenance going on
-Parking lot is crowded-no parking on Tower road is allowed.
-parking at the regular lake lot is permitted.
-no night riding is allowed-possibly with permit?
-Snow riding is questionable with freeze/thaw issues.
Trail work-Please log hour
Nox trail work log is on DCNR web site.
Salisbury Update
-Berm fix planned-(complete)
-looking into getting a lock box and tools on site at the Dodson lot
-we are indicating main work days in advance to the township.
-flyers and /or emails to local shops, etc. ahead of work days.
Future events-possible race series with MASS
Steel City Enduro June 26, 2016