Valley Mountain Bikers Meeting Minutes, Thursday, Dec 19, 2012
The January Board meeting was held at Hello Burrito in Bethlehem.
Board members in attendance were:
Kenny Magee
Doug Pinkerton
Scott Stortz (officer)
Rich Butz
Jon Gabor (officer)
Eric Rigler
Kris Kies
Don Kelly (officer)
Club Members in attendance were:
Jon Roth
John Ronca
Andrew Budick
Mark Woodhead
Mark Bowman
The meeting was called to order at 7:08.
Board meeting, only board members vote. Since the status of non-officer board members is ambiguous, the officer votes and board members votes will be tallied separately.
Our treasurer has resigned, we will need to fill that position.
Meetings Schedule for the year: once per month (last Tues of the month), alternating board/membership meetings. We need 4 of each type of meeting. Should we have the meetings after a ride? If it’s the Wednesday ride it’ll mean the meeting will start & end very late.
Motion: As a general guideline, monthly meetings on the last Tuesday of the month, alternating board and membership, starting with the board meeting in January. Don will post preliminary schedule based on this. There has to be a December meeting, so December will be on a different schedule.
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Event series: Enduro race with JORBA? Sals twp – Doug is moving this forward, and will post info. Committee has been formed, and got good feedback from Salisbury Township; township approval comes from township commissioners, based on recreation committee recommendation. Final plans will be confirmed at next membership meeting.
Bylaws: They are vague in some areas, and must be changed. Change board of officers to “board” where it occurs, also provisions for officer resignation. The board, and how the board functions, should be reviewed, and maybe the board’s name should be changed.
Motion: to delete “of officers” everywhere the term “board of officers” occurs,
line item 3.3, article 3.6, and 7.4, and in 5.7 change “duties of the officers” to “duties of the board.”
Motion withdrawn.
Article 1: no change.
Article 2 rewritten recently. No change
Article 3 (membership):
Motion: to change “board of officers” to “board” in 3.3 & 3.6.
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Motion: Change “section 3.4” to “section 3.6” in section 3.5
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Should we have membership levels? Membership can be provisional, based on participation in the club, at meetings, trailwork days, etc. Pro & con, force people to get involved vs driving people away. We may be moving toward an online community.
Motion: Article 4: Nomination & election of officers. Motion Tabled.
Any change for voting rules in case of run-offs? No, that seemed to work when we did it at the December meeting. Scott gave an explanation he’d seen for why it’s done the way it is in Robert’s Rules: basically it keeps “palatable second choice” candidates from being forced off the ballot if there are several other, polarizing candidates also running.
Motion: Article 5.7 Vacancies. In the event of an officer vacancy, the board will appoint a replacement to take office immediately. Officer to be confirmed by the membership.
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Should the board be appointed or elected?
Motion: Article 5.1.1 The Board shall consist of no more than five board members in addition to the officers.
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Motion: 5.1.2 A Board member’s term is from the time of appointment and approval, through March 31 of the year following their appointment and approval, unless the board member was approved between January first and March 31, in which case the board member’s term starts April first.
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Motion: Article 5.1.3 There shall be at least one board meeting between January first and March 31.
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Motion: Change Article 5.2: add text “after April first” between “of the Board” and “they shall elect.”
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Motion: Article 5.6 Removal of Officers or Board members. Any Officer or Board member may be removed at any time by a two thirds majority vote of those present at a meeting of the members of VMB if the meeting notice listed removal of an officer or board member as one of the agenda items. The reason or reasons for the proposed removal shall be made available to all members present, and shall be recorded in the minutes of the meetings.
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Motion: Change “5.7 Duties of the officers” to “5.8 duties of the Board”
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Motion: Article 6.2 add “to observe, or provide input if recognized by a Board member.”
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Motion: In article 7.5 delete “, including online discussions.”
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Online community is getting out of hand. Maybe pull a couple of forums, including SMB forums. Maybe just trail projects, events, members lounge (which is members only), see (Mark W's old club) for one way of doing things. We need to have a discussion with Bob, do temporary solutions. Maybe a guest lounge, and we now should have a moderated website.
Motion: kill SMB conditions thread on site, kill forum access for non paying members on site.
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)
Meeting adjourned 9:49.