Here are the membership meeting minutes from December, take a look and let me know if you see anything that needs changing.
Valley Mountain Bikers Meeting Minutes, Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The December meeting was held at Saucon Valley Bikes in Hellertown. In attendance were:
Don Kelly
Bob Workman
Jen Stortz
Rich Butz
Scott Stortz
Jon Roth
Rudy Muto
Eric Rigler
Stavros Gougoustamos
Lou Mazzante
Tom Younger
Doug Pinkerton
Lori Pinkerton
John England
Renee England
Lucas Rappa
Andrew Amey
Robin Hendricks
Jason Shivok
Donna Spadt
Patrick Spadt
Kris Kies
Lisa Ronca
John Ronca
(with Abby Ronca)
Greg Horwath
Warren Miles
The following people were present but did not sign the sign-in sheet:
Mark Bowman
Mike Ireton
Andrew Budick
Brian (aka “fartsack”)
Jon Gabor
Steve LaBrake
Jessica Nankman
The meeting was called to order at 7:39 PM.
Rob and Sarah Lichtenwalner had a baby. Congratulations Rob and Sarah!
Minutes approved.
501c3 approved thanks Lori and Heather H!
Event proposals from Mike Kuhn, also Bob Workman; both are for race opportunities.
Scott talked about Mike’s proposal – we need volunteers. Summary: this would be an easy event – Sals TT around the beginning of April. The problems we face with this would be early-season conditions, and getting the approvals needed. The race would likely cost $20, some club volunteers would be needed. Post-ride food/awards in Bethlehem.
Bob's proposal: an enduro format series, we would have one or two events. (Bob also explained the meaning of enduro, which is like an ordinary group ride with occasional timed sections at particularly challenging paces). Fun and community are the focus, more an event than a race. Fee: $30-$35, with discounts for VMB/IMBA/etc. Primarily technical DH timed sections. Calling for volunteers – this event format would probably require about 12. Time? Not stepping on toes – May for JORBA, Fall for VMB. Bob recommends avoiding March/April for reasons of weather.
Possibly on a multi-day setup at Sals. Some people have have contacts at St Lukes.
Consensus: we will move forward on this.
Volunteer incentive programs: still working on the details, but Rob Lichtenwalner is donating one of his Lupine demo lights for the most active trail volunteer.
Storm knocked down a lot of cedar, meantime some trails need cedar bridging. Decent quality stuff. This weekend is another work day, does anyone have a generator?
Much friction with hunters, not enough peeps wearing orange, complaints about dogs off leash. This is important! We need to be ambassadors, especially at Nox where we’re new. Trail closure will also probably happen for Spring Gobbler opening day as well as next year’s buck season.
Shops, website, can the word be gotten out?
Parking lot has doubled in size, state did some great work plus we put in new fencing. That lot is full on many days. Parking lot & fencing (and also the kiosks still being built) were paid for by the Nox Grand Opening fundraising. We do need more stone in areas, and PMBA wil be reimbursing us $1000, so we can spend it on stone.
Vol appreciation day at Nox: Scott, Jay, many other volunteers of diverse kinds. Much concern about Sunday hunting and its impact on volunteer activities. “Friends of Nox” meetings are now ongoing.
South Mountain Emmaus:
Other than fixing the recent stormdamage, things are on hold. Bottom 60 acres are waiting for more property. Do not dumb down the trails!
County meeting over Phase 2, and we got approval for two huge chunks of land, which really expands our opportunities here. Next week volunteer meeting, lots of new people w/ lots of experience to start getting this going.
Sals committee will schedule more work. Last trail day we drained the water pit on Sticker Hell.
Dodson Night Parking update: township problems have been resolved. Waiver/permit must be signed for riding Sals. Night riding – Fall/Winter until 10:00 PM. If you need to park at Dodson at night, you need to get a permit from the township (@ normal biz hours after 12/12), and displaying it on your dash. Enforcement will start shortly after.
We have just over $4000 We need more tools at Trex, plus bolts/lags/deck screws.
SMB: don’t park in SM lot, park in lower lots, but not after 9:00.
Upcoming events
Holiday Party: a weekend in early January, at Greg’s place (with a promise that next year’s party will be at Jason’s new place). The date decided on was Saturday Jan 14th.
Scott Stortz statement: goals would be to get club more organized, we are now players and must act accordingly, with the understanding we’ll be subject to increased scrutiny. Commit to only doing things we can do well. We have a lot on our plates, we shouldn’t take on anything else. Expand vol stuff to more fun things, develop more long-term plans. Work to maintain the club’s reputation, the club’s best interests as a whole. Better at what he needs to do now.
Jon Gabor statement: started riding 1992, loves biking, thinks club is a lot more diverse and wants to step up. Not labeling himself, enjoys all kinds of biking.
Doug Pinkerton statement: Been involved for a long time, he would follow the path he’s forged in the past: success based on organization. New & existing land manager relationships, reach out to public, different parts of cycling community. We need dedicated people.
Eric Rigler statement: withdrawing my nomination, I am now too busy with work.
Jon Roth statement: Three main growth areas: trails, membership (outside immediate area), and budget. Thinking aout what we’ve done (granite in one place, swamp in another, jungle etc), impressive stuff including our active website. This is the golden age of trail building, this is our opportunity which may not last. Membership and money will flow from more trails, especially near Nox & Trex. We’ll need more tools & equipment, maybe a trailer (helps with marketing).
Don Kelly statement: will try real hard.
Greg Horwath statement: running unopposed, have been unopposed since the club formed. Has two parts to his job: money (easy) and schmoozing the volunteers (tools, equipment), land managers etc, and will continue to do so. We are now a 501c3 non-profit so we may want to get new blood, but he’s good for now. Karen K has helped him with a lot of stuff so he’s good.
Robert’s Rules review: We vote by ballot. Candidate (specifically, the VP candidate) must get majority of votes cast to win. If no one gets a a majority, we vote again, and so on until someone does get a majority. No one can be forced to withdraw.
Election (Round 1):
President: Scott (unopposed)
Treasurer: Greg (unopposed)
Secretary: Don (unopposed)
No vice-presidential candidate received a majority of the votes. Jon Roth withdrew himself from the running.
Election (Round 2):
Vice-President: Jon Gabor
Congratulations to the new officers!