Valley Mountain Bikers General Membership Meeting Minutes, Tuesday August 30, 2011
The August/September meeting was held at the pavilion at Jordan Park. In attendance were:
Scott Stortz
Don Kelly
Jon Roth
Greg Horwath
Eric Rigler
Karen Washburn
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 PM.
Congrats Jon & Rebekah, daughter Leah 6/20 7# 11 oz, 19.5”, already able to roll over.
Board Nominations:
Kenny Magee - in
Doug Pinkerton - in
Rich Butz - in
Eric Rigler - in
Dan Killingsworth (no response)
Kris Keies (no response)
Rotating meetings: Sept board, Oct general at Cutters (officer nominations), December general.
501c3 is done and ready to be sent, Greg will mail with $400 check (previously approved).
JORBA has renewal and wants to know if we’re continuing to piggyback on their 501c3, we should say no.
Nockamixon: Trails are open, branches were cleared, ridable but all creek crossing rock armoring is gone (crossings are tricky), requiring one full weekend of work at creeks.
New construction: almost done out to Rt 563. Looks good for Oct 9th opening, but there is work to be done.
Parking: 500 tons of stone to finish the lot. (recycled concrete or grindings), Kenny is looking into it, or PMBA will pony up. Kiosk is also in development. Oct 9th is a go.
Trex: Rollers are reshaped and no longer sketchy. Back to Shale Face bench cutting, HP3 rework is done. Much hurricane damage reported.
Sals: Going there tomorrow, work day instead of a ride.
Trash: Police will do nothing, they cannot prosecute without an eyewitness.
Eric picked up the registration forms, which are now online as well (we should put it on the website). Add it to membership/renewal? Save that for a future date.
SME: No report, no committee members present. Stavros heard 3rd hand it’s ridable.
Treasurer reports $4675 in treasury, some bills coming due: insurance & crazy tree trimmer; also the lapsed EIN number was reinstated. Membership stuff needs doing.
Upcoming events
Nox Grand Opening Oct 9th. What are the open issues? Press release, fliers etc (Tony Shumpkis, doing the work). Obie/Dave has to approve all press. Food? EZ Ups? Need to contact PMBA about all this. Guided Bike Rides, hikes, runs? Trail Maps? Volunteers needed.
October 2 Take a Kid MTB Day, Doug is coordinating and could probably use some help.
Open Forum:
Karen wants harder trails!
Jon Ronca is reported to have heard from Bethlehem Mayor Callahan, that Bethlehem might be getting a pump track near the skate park. Much confusion.
Meeting adjourned 8:22.