Not to be like riding a cat-wave here on the forums, I know I posted about kittens at Sals yesterday, but I just got a text from my wife, that my cat pissed on my mtb shoes today.
I say this, because it happened once before. He doesn't piss on things, otherwise he wouldn't currently be alive, at least in our house. So I determined after some discussion with my friend, that he likely pissed on them because lately they have been really skanky, what with the humid weather and all. And the smell emanating from them, unlike my other shoes, was fairly nasty, almost ammonia like? And we deduced that he pissed on them because the smell vaguely resembled another cat's scent markings.
As if some other cat somehow got into my house, and marked it's territory on my Specialized Rimes. Right, smart thinking, Pete. (My cat's name is Peter).
It makes sense, as yesterday morning was humid as hell, and they were probably pretty stanky when I got home.
So, if you have a cat (maybe just if you have a male cat?) keep your stanky ass wet mtb shoes away from it.
He is super lucky that the carpet that the shoes were on was unfazed; we have a strict "no pissing outside the litterbox" rule if you are a feline residing in our house, punishable by euthanization, as that is just nasty and usually unfix-able; he is exempt from this due to the logic behind his pissing, I feel it to be sound reasoning, if a bit flawed due to ignorance.