There is so much hate and bashing going on here it is unbelieveable. If everyone hates VMB there is always the option of just not being part of VMB, as many have done according to what I've read. If there is so much that anyone doesn't like then just start another club of like-minded people, get your website running, have your elections and get the 501.C3 thing and insurance and begin creating on your own terms. There is room for all in cyberspace and on the trails for all opinions and styles. If another club starts that wants to build and create contacts and open doors to create new trail systems where ones previously have not existed, I personally think that would be great -- more places to ride and more variety would be healthy for any riding community, and we live in one of the most diverse and strong cycling communities I've ever seen. Pointing out glaring flaws is great. Creating a new paradigm in your own vision would be a worthy and noble exercise.