Question about technique regarding a certain rock at South Mtn Emmaus

Kinda put this here as opposed to SME since it's more about the technique than SME itself, but anyways, towards the top of SME, I forget the color trail, but there is a large rock, and it's off the main trail. If this makes sense to anyone, right after you go over the rock, you make a U-turn to the right and resume the trail, and it's the part of the trail where it's narrow and you ride parallel to some logs for a little. Assuming you're riding SME clockwise.

It's maybe slightly under 2 feet tall (the part I go down, at least), and the way I've been doing it is lowering our front wheels down and getting my butt behind my seat. But looking at it, and after that small drops clinic that JumpinJonnyG put on a while back, I can't help but wonder if I should just go at it with speed and jump off the edge and come down flat. My friend theorized that there isn't enough landing room if you're moving fast before you'd slam into a rock about 15 feet out. We were discussing this our last time there, but lacked the desire to test the theory.

Anyways, for anyone who can identify this rock, what is your technique to descend it?

I'm thinking move quick enough to drop down flat but not quick enough to crash into the rock shortly thereafter. But I think there is a technique that involves kinda wheelieing off the edge and dropping the back wheel down first? If I knew what that was called I could YouTube it and learn, but dunno what search term to use.