PPL powerlines being rebuilt at Lehigh and Sals

FYI: Not the news anyone annoyed with Mr. Rock Remover wants to hear but it's being reported by WFMZ TV and the Intelligencer newspaper out of Doylestown that the Quarry-Seidersville powerlines will be essentially completely rebuilt and upgraded beginning next March in conjunction with the energizing of a new line from Coopersburg to Quakertown under construction now.

PPL wants to rebuild these lines in response to damage done to them by both that October snowstorm and Sandy. Apparently this affects the powerline running from Freemansburg through Lehigh into Lower Saucon near Promenade AND the powerline cutting across Sals from the river over into Lower Saucon too.

Obviously, there's potential for damage to our trails from heavy equipment which we might need to be proactive about with both PPL and the landowners as we get a little closer.