Poaching my own trails

Greetings from the Adirondacks. As some of you know, I am the Director of Garnet Hill Cross Country Ski Center this winter. It has been full throttle here since Thanksgiving, so much so that I've only ridden three times since then! We are not open yet as we need a solid base of natural snow yet, and we may see that this week. Rode them this AM in the driving snow.

This AM there was driving snow and I got a good ride in on the trails. There are roughly 50k of trails here, and some really good biking/snowshoe trails. Just beside the Nordic center, the Adirondack Park Wilderness Area begins. I'd been back in there last week when it was really cold and frozen at dusk. There was about 2 or 3 inches of cover, and the snow was squeaky and dry with 2 degree air temps. It was dicey, as the ground is not deeply frozen and you'd sink into wet spots down to the mud. Going deep into the Wilderness area at dusk was a little risky, as was going in w/no tubes, spare socks or gloves, spare batteries, or without letting anyone know where I was. The trail register had last been signed in mid-November, so I know I was on my own. Heading west through a gap in the mountain, the desolate tract has many trails, mountain lakes, rivers and vistas. It has no cell phone coverage and GPS does not work in the hollows. I went in a few miles as the sun's deepening glow changed through to darker hues of purple, traversing the mountain watching the sunlit peak succumb to the shadow of sundown. Back to a remote river crossing made of 60' trees above the raging water, with sapling latice-work for railings. Neat Adirondack style. I wanted to ascend another mile to the Twin Ponds, but it was getting pretty dark. Turning around and turning on my Lupine, I descended through a snowy spruce tunnel on swooping cool trail. Getting back to the main trail I saw a startling sight. There were these big tracks that came out of the woods and followed my tire tracks for a little while. By big I mean like the size of my palm! I could fit my palm in the track, and that really sent a chill up my spine. I mean it actually scared the drap out of me as I'd been there an hour or so previously. Shining my light around I was waiting to see reflective eyes somewhere, but did not. My ride out was a little urgent after that!

Yesterday I got off mountain and travelled south to Saratoga Springs, NY. Blue Sky Bicycles in downtown is a killer shop, and they all ride tough. Rode a place called SMBA which is RIPPING! Big Moab-like rocks and spines, deeply wooded flowy trails and good tech. Here is the club: www.saratogamtb.org I highly recommend checking it out as well as the shop, and tell them I sent you.

Check out www.garnet-hill.com for more info, and come on up and XC ski -- the place rips! Could be a good VMB Destination trip...