There are numerous votes cast to oust some of the members that were nominated to be on this year's board. Fake users were created by some members in order to oust some of the nominees up for member approval. Only one vote is allowed per member, dead dogs (Kenny) are not members of VMB and should not have a vote in the approval of a board nominee. There are several other questionable names that appear in the polls that could, or could not, be PAID members of the club. If that is the case, then I guess I'll sign my wife and four kids up on the site so they can vote too! Maybe I'll have my in-laws and extend family do the same. Unfortunately the competitive nature of some individuals, as well as their lack of integrity, is creating a toxic atmosphere, which could potentially jeopardize the relationships that were built in the past. The truth will be told, then you can form your own opinions on what really goes on behind the scenes.