Fellow VMBers, we'll be accepting recommendations for the 2016 Board until Monday, the 21st. If you are interested in running, or want to nominate someone else, please let an officer know! Or nominate them here--just make sure they want to do it first.
Andrew has put out some recommendations, and we'd love to have more from you. The board plays a critical role in decision making and we're looking for people who want to get involved, contribute and make a difference.
Just so we're all aware of the process, once we receive recommendations, the officers will select five to put up for a membership vote. We have a solid board now and all of our current members are interested in serving again: Stavros Gougoustamos , Jon Roth, Renee England, , Scott Stortz, and Jerry Howatt.
Jerry has also nominated Mike "MTV" Venturini, a past president.
Thanks in advance for all your recommendations. We'll put the final nominations out for a membership confirmation vote the 23rd.