Important! Steel City Enduro, Volunteers Needed

The Steel City Enduro is fast approaching and a lot of you have already volunteered to help. Thank you. Below is a list of everything that still needs done. Please take a look and sign up for anything you can take on. The race is the VMB’s largest fundraiser of the year, and last year’s event was hugely successful because we had a great turnout from volunteers. Hopefully we’ll have even more support this year. As a show of appreciation, each volunteer will receive a free Steel City Enduro pint glass and T-shirt.

For those helping out on race day, plan on arriving by 8 and the race should finish up around 1 or 2.

Stage Monitors (10 volunteers): We’d like to have at least one person monitoring the start and finish of each stage to make sure each racer properly swipes their chip and receives and accurate time.

Pre-Race Taping (4-5 volunteers): We’ll need a team of people to tape the course the night before the race, marking off corners, as well as the start and finish of each stage.

Parking/traffic control (3-4 volunteers): We need at least one person to direct racers arriving at the St. Lukes Parking Garage at the start of the race, and another monitoring traffic where the race crosses Cardinal St and where it crosses Constitution further down.

Aid Station (2 volunteers): Racers get hot and sweaty. We need someone to distribute water and possibly food (provided by race sponsors) at an aid station along the course.

DJ/MC (1 volunteer); Someone to set up and manage music in the expo area.

Equipment and supplies needed: These are a few things we could use to put on the event. Some need made, others will be borrowed:

Signs: We need several signs. Two or three directing traffic from 378 and Delaware Ave to St.Lukes Parking Garage; start and finish signs (10 total) for each stage; and two Race in Progress signs we can position at the top and bottom of Constitution and Cardinal to slow traffic down.

Award Trophies: we’re exploring several options for awards, but if anyone can make something like last year’s (a nice rock with a chainring embedded in it) let us know.

Podium: We could use a three-step podium for the winners to stand on.

Generator: For running electricity to the registration booth and computing results.

A Printer: Also for results

Folding tables and chairs

10x10 pop-up tents (for Registration and an aid station)

We'd like to have everything confirmed as soon as possible, so please let us know quickly if you can help. Feel free to call or e-mail me if you have any questions (; 646-226-7406)

Thanks in advance for everyone’s help with the race. See you all on July 14.
