Open space. City parks. Thousands of miles of singletrack across all 50 states. If you value those things, you will take just 60 seconds to help IMBA support the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). All you have to do is sign a petition.
The petition asks the Obama Administration to fully and permanently fund the LWCF and its work buying open space and helping cities and counties build parks, many of which contain mountain bike trails and are in your own backyard.
TAKE ACTION! If we reach 25,000 individual signers by Dec. 16, the Obama Administration will look at the issue and give an official response. Please sign today!
LWCF funds are being diverted from their intended use. Of the $900 million authorized this year, very little of that is actually going toward America's parks and outdoor recreation areas. Be part of a united voice. Help us urge the White House to restore full, dedicated and permanent funding for the LWCF.