6 hours of driving to find the sun in New Hampshire

So as some of you might know I get to do a little traveling on the job. Well I try to keep it to a little anyway. After 6 hours on the road today I arrived in Manchester, NH. I found something that we have not seen, at least consistently in the valley for a while now - THE SUN. There was hardly a cloud to be found in the sky and the temp was around 70. What does this all mean and why am I posting a blog entry? Well, I found an awesome riding location just east of Manchester in Auburn, NH. The spot is called Little Massabesic Trail System and it has maybe 15 - 20 miles of twisty - rocky - rooty singletrack. The trails are maintained by the Friends of Massabesic Biking Association or FOMBA, not to be mistaken with RIMBA. I met a few dudes at the trail head and they showed me around for over 3 hours. Suprisingly the trails were really pretty dry and tons of fun. If you are ever in the area check it out, I promise that you will leave with a perma-grin like I did. :thumbsup: