Pump Jump and Roll skills clinic is this Tuesday, June 25th at Trexler Nature Preserve!!!
Instructor: Jay DeJesus
After being at NEMBA Fest riding Kingdom Trails all weekend, all I could think about was how much this type of clinic would help everyone better navigate and properly utilize today's progressive trail designs. This clinic at Trex will focus on some fun dynamic aspects of riding (Matt Miller calls it "steeze") to gain/create flow, and the goal will be for you guys to gain the proper skills and confidence to attempt roller doubles like at Trex. Very useseful for the big rollers on half pipe 3, as well, and in pumping uphill etc etc etc. Hope to see you there.
Meet time: 6:15
Start time: 6:30 so more people have an opportunity to join in. Hoping to roll out on time as we'll have a lot to cover.
Meeting Point: Horse Stables
** at this point, only severe lightning will cancel this
** we will be riding the upper portion of Half Pipe one from the lot first to warm up, then work out way out Brian'd trail to Half Pipe 3 to work on specific skills, finally ending on the jump features on Half Pupe 1, where I hope my instruction will enable some of you to attempt these jumps.
** First ever VMB Clinic with video analysis, too!
If you have any questions or need to find us on the trail, feel free to call me: 610-417-6493
This clinic is free to all VMB Members. A $10 donation is recommended for non members. Please sign up so we know who will be in attendance...