Nockamixon State Park Announces a Chain Saw Safety Class

Tuesday, March 26, 2013 - 9:00am to 12:00pm

Nockamixon State Park
Announces a Chain Saw Safety Class

When: Tuesday March 26th, 2013

Time: 9 AM – 12:00 PM

Where: Nockamixon State Park Environmental Education Center

Class Content: Demonstrate the safe use and maintenance of a chain saw. This class is mandatory for anyone volunteering to use a chain saw on state park land. Class conducted by Stihl.

DCNR Registration: Sign up as volunteer

Equipment Needed:
Fully operational chain saw
Heavy Gloves
Safety Glasses
Safety Vest (lime/orange)
Steel toe work boots
Chaps (chain saw leg protection)
Helmet with attached mesh face guard and ear protection

All this equipment must be brought with you since the last part of the class will include actual hands on cutting of downed trees as well as cutting down standing trees. Leave your saw in your vehicle but bring all the rest of the equipment with you to the class. Registration with DCNR is mandatory.

If you have any questions or want to register contact Mike Quinn at There is a limit of 20 students in this class and therefore its first come first served.