July VMB Board Meeting

Monday, July 25, 2016 - 7:00pm

We have a lot of exciting topics and important issues to cover at this board meeting. All VMB members are invited to attend and listen in. 

The event will be held at Bear Creek Resort (confirmed: Second Floor above Ski Patrol, not in the hotel). In addition to the standard meeting agenda (welcome, revenue, review of last meeting, old business, new business) we'll dig into the following:

Jacobsburg: Rob Neitz the land manager is looking to increase mountain biker's involvement in trail maintenance and management. There's a small opportunity to add some mountain options or terrain. 

VMB Officer Election Criteria: Review and update procedure to address questions that came up during the last round of elections. 

TrexxFest: Rob Takacs wants to make this happen again, even if we must change the course during the grassland restoration project. Can we help him put on a fun, family-friendy event again?

Trexler Strategy: Board vote to recommit to or update our position on the grassland restoration project and strategy for replacing Killdozer.

Trex Maintenance: The Trex land managers are upset with the way some recent trail maintenance was done. This is something we want to resolve quickly.