As the Mid-Atlantic Super Series Finals roll in to Bear Creek Mountain Resort, so does the 3rd Annual Bear Creek Kid's Race and StriderCross World Championships! This fun, FREE event for the kids is one of the most highly anticipated events of the weekend, and the action is intense and inspiring with real bar-banging racing and head to head action.
Run in a moto-style format, the Bear Creek Kid's Race and StriderCross World Championships pits kids on bikes or striders against on another in a multiple heat format upon a specially designed course comprised of uphills, downhills, log-overs, rollers, a lead-moto, play by play race announcing and other surprises for their unique abilities (which never cease to surprise us!). Classes will be broken down into age groups, plus the hot'n heavy StriderCross category. The entire course is fully lined with tape and run in the middle of the pit area for maximum spectator access and vocal participation. Racing is always thoroughly exciting and enjoyable, and the crowd really gets the kids going, which totally lights up their faces.
As usual, the event will take place just after the expert race and before the awards ceremony. Every participant gets a prize and a t-shirt, and the chance to stand upon the podium. PLEASE, if you have a child who rides, please bring them out for this fun event. Age categories to be announced shortly.
Sponsors will also be announced shortly after all is finalized.
Again, bring out your kids and let'em have at it!